Steel structures
We offer a comprehensive execution of steel structure designs involving the construction of halls with an area up to 400m2, steel structures for the energy and petrochemical industries. Thanks to qualified fitters and welders, we also offer installation of steel structures of halls.
We specialize in fabrication and installation of steel warehouse and service halls (up to 10 000 m2), roofs, skylights, elevator shafts, and antenna and transmission masts. We mainly deal with unusual structures that require knowledge and individual approach and the flexibility and speed in decision-making. Steel structures of hard-weldable materials with improved parameters in terms of operating temperature, air humidity and abrasion resistance are our special challenge. We also deal with titanium structures, that are extremely popular, thanks to their properties such as corrosion resistance and temperature up to 3 000 degrees. Structures of stainless steel and aluminum are usually used for the production of ladders, rails and technical platforms. Our qualified engineers and welders also execute steel structures of Hardox 550 having a hardness of 550 (HB), which is used primarily for production of machine parts.
History of steel structures
First steel structures in the construction industry appeared in the mid-nineteenth century. An example of such a building was erected in London’s Hyde Park it was the Crystal Palace, which reached the length of 549 meters and the height of 43 meters. This structure was designed in 1851 by Joseph Paxton. Iron structures were improved simultaneously with the development of iron and, over time, steel smelting technologies. Its production on a mass scale began after 1850. This has opened new opportunities for builders, who could start executing complex steel structures. Also in the nineteenth century the most famous steel structure – Eiffel Tower was created. Built between 1887 and 1889, of wrought iron it reached a height of 324 meters. While, the first skyscraper was originally supposed to be an eight-storey building, which was later increased by another three floors, of course we are talking about the Home Insurance Building in Chicago, whose father was William Le Baron Jenny, was built in 1885. A year later, in Porto the world’s longest, as for the nineteenth century, bridge which reached 385.25 meters in length, was also built on a steel structure. It was designed by Teofilo Seyrig of Gusta Eiffel group.