Shell and tube heat exchangers
MSE Kraków is engaged in the production of devices compatible with customers assumptions. For their production we use mainly boiler, heat-resistant, high alloy steel, and duplexes.
Shell and tube heat exchangers can be executed by us both with the materials supplied to us by the customer, as well as from our own resources.
We also deal with the modernization of chemical apparatus consisting mainly in replacing insulation, cleaning, and replacing worn and deformed parts. We hard-face wall and chambers elements, and perform partial or complete piping replacement.
The history of shell and tube heat exchangers
Shell and tube heat exchangers were released on the market by the American company Navy in 1942. Their originator and creator was Harold Graham. Shell and tube exchangers are most common type of heat exchangers in the industry, because they can use the standard components such as pipes, flanges, gaskets and a considerable range of pressures and temperatures.
photo – Navy shell and tube heat exchanger’s fragment
photo – the oldest shell and tube heat exchanger of Navy of 1942