Industrial machinery
We deal with designing and manufacturing of industrial machinery for the following industries:
- agricultural,
- metallurgical,
- concrete,
- energy,
- construction.
We have experience in providing complete solutions for concrete batching plants, belt screw and bucket feeders, lifting equipment, separators of cement washings, environmental protection equipment as electrostatic precipitators, cyclones and bag filters. We design and build not only completeindustrial machinery, but also elements thereto.
The history of industrial machines
The Industrial Revolution was started in England in the eighteenth century as a result of the energy crisis caused by the lack of wood that appeared in the Middle Ages. To solve it, the coal mining was increased, especially near rivers due to low production costs and cheap transport. The first major technological invention was the construction in 1733 by John Kay of weaving machine with a flying mechanical shuttle (Flying Shuttle). Revolution in the spinning industry was the perfect machine called Spinning Jenny, invented by James Hargreaves in 1764, allowing for spinning of 16 threads at the same time. In 1735, Abraham Darby as the first evaporated the pig iron using coke, and in 1856 Henry Bessemer patented the method of production of steel directly from the hot iron by blowing pig iron and converting it into steel in the converter. The sudden development of the industry has led to the development of communication, replacing insufficient horse and sea transport with steam vehicles. The world’s first road tractor of Cugnot (Nicolas Cugnot) built in Paris in 1765, the first steam locomotive of Richard Trevithick built in 1804, or the first steam ship built in 1803 by Robert Fulton.